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January 30, 2024


On December 19, 2022, the Government announced the details of the Protect Duty, now known as "Martyn's Law," in honour of Martyn Hett, a victim of the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in 2017.

Martyn's Law aims to enhance national security and protect the UK public from terrorism by imposing requirements on responsible parties at certain locations. The Terrorism Protection of Premises Bill, also known as 'Martyn's Law' is expected to become law in 2024, and so organisations must start considering appropriate mitigation measures. In this age and with the advancements in technology, achieving compliance with Martyn's Law and enhancing security measures will be stronger through the use of body-worn cameras.


Martyn's Law will require owners and operators of specific locations to assess the terrorism threat and implement proportionate mitigation measures. The legislation will promote preparedness, response capabilities, and overall protection from terrorist attacks. To accommodate different types and sizes of venues, a tiered model will be established, dividing locations into standard and enhanced tiers based on their capacity.

Two tiers will be associated with Martyn’s Law either 100+ (standard tier) or 800+ (enhanced tier). A standard tier will drive good preparedness outcomes. Duty holders will be required to undertake simple yet effective activities to improve protective security and preparedness. This may include training, information sharing and completion of a preparedness plan to embed practices, such as locking doors to delay attackers' progress or knowledge on lifesaving treatments that can be administered by staff whilst awaiting emergency services. This will apply to qualifying locations with a maximum capacity of over 100. This could include larger retail stores, bars, or restaurants.  

An enhanced tier will see additional requirements placed on high-capacity locations in recognition of the potentially catastrophic consequences of an attack. This will apply to locations with a capacity of over 800 people at any time, and will additionally be required to undertake a risk assessment to inform the development and implementation of a thorough security plan. Subsequent measures could include developing a vigilant and security culture, implementing physical measures like CCTV or new systems and processes to enable better consideration of security. This may include live music venues, theatres, and department stores. 

The Law will require stronger partnerships between the property management sector, their security partners, and law enforcement agencies. It will also require joint risk assessments and the implementation of proportionate security measures to maintain public safety.

“Martyn’s Law isn’t going to stop terrorism, but common-sense security, and making sure venues are doing all they can to keep people safe, could mean fewer suffer what myself and the families of Manchester have had to endure.” - Figen Murray, mother of Martyn Hett


Body-worn cameras can serve as a critical tool for meeting the requirements of Martyn's Law. Here's how body-worn cameras can aid in enhancing security measures:

Enhances situational awareness Real-time monitoring, Aids staff training and evaluation, Fostering accountability, Providing high-quality evidence for investigations.

Body-worn cameras act as a deterrent against potential threats. Their conspicuous presence signals that security measures are in place, dissuading individuals with malicious intent. Additionally, the deployment of body-worn cameras instils public confidence by demonstrating a proactive commitment to security, reassuring visitors that their safety is a top priority.

For a smooth integration of body-worn cameras into security procedures while adhering to Martyn's Law, organizations should explore the HALO subscription solution. HALO offers innovative features and operates on a subscription model, making it an excellent option for bolstering security measures. With HALO, you're not just purchasing the camera itself; you're investing in a comprehensive package. This includes our advanced data management software, ensuring automatic footage uploads, in-country setup and support, a complete product warranty, and ongoing access to updates and enhancements—all for a fixed monthly fee.

HALO body cameras provide a comprehensive solution for meeting the requirements of Martyn's Law. With a first-person perspective and pre-record capabilities, HALO cameras significantly enhance situational awareness, capturing immediate surroundings and potential threats with its wide-angle lens and de-warp technology with zero image distortion, allowing for wide angles up to 140°.

HALO's advanced features, including the live stream video capability, empower security teams to promptly monitor incidents, ensuring a rapid and synchronized response to suspicious activities. The Panic/Pre-record button on the HALO camera adds an extra layer of efficiency by capturing 60 seconds of footage before the record button is pressed, ensuring that no crucial moments at the onset of an event or incident are missed. This feature acts as a proactive safety net, providing valuable insights into the unfolding situation and offering answers to the origins of the matter when activated.

Moreover, HALO's high-quality video and audio capabilities contribute to the collection of valuable evidence during critical incidents. Capture evidence and stream smooth clear footage in a poor environment by recording in 1440P & 1080P with our starlight lens technology. The detailed footage aids law enforcement agencies in investigations, allowing for the identification of perpetrators, event reconstruction, and evidence gathering for prosecution.

Additionally, HALO body-worn cameras facilitate staff training and evaluation, aligning with Martyn's Law objectives. The recorded footage can be utilised for reviewing and enhancing security protocols, response procedures, and overall staff performance. This aligns with the law's emphasis on continuous improvement in security practices.

The conspicuous presence of HALO cameras acts as a powerful deterrent against potential threats, showcasing a proactive commitment to security. The HALO bodycam Subscription is a scalable, affordable way to deploy your optimum level of video evidence-gathering technology and we're here to assist you in navigating the challenges of preparing for this upcoming legislation. This not only aligns with Martyn's Law but also instils public confidence by demonstrating a strong dedication to the safety of visitors. By opting for HALO's subscription package, organizations can maximize the effectiveness of their security measures while demonstrating a strong commitment to compliance and safety.

In conclusion, HALO body-worn cameras, with their advanced features and subscription model, provide a comprehensive solution for organizations preparing to meet the requirements of the Martyn's Law Legislation. Embracing HALO technology not only enhances security measures but also demonstrates a proactive commitment to public safety, ensuring a secure environment for all.

You can’t predict, you can prepare. Reach out today, and let's share the load in preparing for this new UK legislation.

Learn more today with HALO's legislation webpage: 49-martyns-law-and-the-duty-to-protect-premises-from-terrorist-attack-opportunity-to-comment-on-the-draft-bill-by-23-june/